
新標籤 - New Labels

我想除了介紹我的超級母親大人所燒的菜以外,也可以寫一些在外面餐廳吃的東西,老外應該也會有興趣。所以會有一個新分類「上館子 - Outside Dish」。
而且以後也有機會介紹其他地區或國家的風味餐,因此也會新增各種風味的標籤,像是「台灣古早味 - Taiwan Style」、「日式風味 - Japanese Style」等等。

A new label "上館子 - Outside Dish" will be coming soon. I am going to introduce what we eat in outside restaurant so that you can see some different dishes that my mom is unable to cook.
And because we eat not only Chinese food but also other styles' food such as Japanese food, I will add style lables for each dish such as "台灣古早味 - Taiwan Style", "日式風味 - Japanese Style" and so on.

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