我今天加班一回家就眼睛一亮,哈哈,我有新東西可以寫了,原本以為要等到明年中秋節,沒想到我媽今天就心血來潮做了一大盤,我可有口福了,你們也有眼福囉! ##CONTINUE##

蛋黃酥應該算是月餅的一種,但查了半天也不知道其由來何方,只知道是道道地地的台灣味。我吃過的月餅只有這種蛋黃酥類的和廣式月餅類的兩種,蛋黃酥類的還有吃過綠豆碰和冰沙餡餅,廣式月餅就是蓮蓉、棗泥等各種口味,再加上最近流行起各式各樣亂七八糟的變種月餅,還真是令人眼花撩亂,但最後還是覺得最傳統的烏豆沙蛋黃的蛋黃酥最好吃 (Y)
Here a special new thing comes, the Taiwan mooncake! The Mooncake is one of traditional Chinese dessert especially for Mid-Autumn Festival. I don't want to explain this festival now, maybe next year instead. Although Mid-Autumn Festival already passed (August 15 in Chinese calendar), my mom still bakes them to feed us like pigs :p In fact, she will give some to her friend as a gift. As you can see, the appearance in my picture is very different from that in Wiki because this one we eat is Taiwan Style and we call it "Yolk Pastry".
You can understand the key point of Taiwan mooncake from its local name: "yolk" and "pastry". The most common and traditional way is to fill with sweet bean paste and a salted egg yolk inside. The black bean paste and yellow yolk represent dark sky and a light moon respectively. Besides, the salted egg yolk is able to balance the sweet of bean paste. Nowadays, fat people so afraid of Cholesterol, especially in egg yolk, that we can buy fake yolk instead. It made by cheese and smells better. The other primary role "pastry" is the most difference from other styles mooncake. Only the skin of Taiwan mooncake made by puff pastry, just like another famous Taiwan dessert "Suncake". The puff pastry skin looks laminated as thousand skin and tastes crisp.
The mooncake has a variety of fillings from traditional ones "Lotus Seed Paste" or "Jujube Paste" to modern ones "ice cream" or "coffee". My mom also bakes a very popular sort this time: "Bean Paste with Mochi". This way comes from Japanese style and has an effect that balance sweet like yolk. Some people enjoy the taste combined with crisp pasty and sticky mochi. In addition, my mom bake her favorite filling, Taro Paste, too. However, I still prefer the most traditional one, sweet bean paste and egg yolk.