今天到台北汐止的一家茶館去吃飯,名叫「福中居」,雖說是茶館但中午晚上都有供餐,買的都是古早味,樣式還不少,地方古色古香很有趣,也很多人會帶著狗狗去逛,而且前陣子頗紅的連續劇「台灣第一味」也有在那裡拍攝,他們的手藝也的確可算的上第一味,讓人多吃一碗飯回家後還為想再去吃。如果有機會可以帶老外去嚐嚐道地的台灣古早味,不過忘記問他們有沒有提供刀叉,否則老外不會拿筷子就要把白斬雞當手扒雞吃了。最下面提供地圖以免迷路。 ##CONTINUE##

We go to a restaurant for today's lunch. This restaurant decorates with old things and offers antique dishes. You can see a black TV, gramophone records, pulse tone telephones, the 1st generation mobile phones, and so on. You can seat in a log cabin and eat dishes which my mom or grand mom was eating when she was a kid. Some of them can be seen nowadays but others only are eaten at this type of restaurant. I recommend you welcome and feel the ambiance of early Taiwan stage. The Map below shows where it is. But you need a local to take you there because of no buses and no English signs. Especially, they have no English menu.
I try to take pictures for all courses. However, they are so much delicious that I forgot take them except the first two dishes. Finally, I just take photos of leftovers and a photo of a half my favorite "Stewed Tofu with Chinese Toon". By the way, I remembered that I also forgot my packet in Thailand because cared only for eating a Thailand snack. It's a bad record :$
Why would I like to introduce "Stewed Tofu with Chinese Toon"? Because I haven't eaten it before, either. I never ate food with Chinese Toon. So we chose it when we first went to this restaurant. The taste of Chinese Toon is similar to Oregano but they still have their own unique flavor. We usually use Basil instead of Toons for cooking. I think the flavor of Chinese Toon is more soft than Basil. It is better to cook with tofu. Although the appearance of "Stewed Tofu with Chinese Toon" is not pretty, it looks like green sauce pasta. I think "Green Sauce Tofu" is also a great western name ;)
After I was back home, I looked up the information of Chinese Toon on Internet and found it has some curative effects. Traditional Chinese medicine says that Chinese Toon is able to strengthen humen intestine and stomach, and make humen sperm stronger. Attention please every gentleman, you mush try this dish for your future life :p Besides, modern medicine finds Chinese Toon is anti-oxidant and help people healthy. What a wonderful food it is!
Finally, I'm not sure what style this stewed cooking way is. According to my reference, a Chinese style seems cold tossed. So I decide to label "Stewed Tofu with Chinese Toon" as Taiwan Style.
1 則留言:
ha, I am going to test my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it's truly amazing, thanks.
- Norman