I brought my lunch from home today as usual. It's an opportunity to introduce some rest of yesterday's lunch because today's lunch was made from Sunday's leftovers. Except stewed spareribs with brown sauce, there are fish stick, fried cabbage and fried pork with corn. So today, I just talk about my second favorite, fried pork with corn.
> Fried pork with corn
The word "Fry" seems not to be able to explain the Chinese cooking way because more than three sorts of cooking in hot oil translate into the same word, all called "fry". The first one and also most common one, fast cooking with big fire by turning over and over, is called "Chao". The key point is "turn over". The second one, cooking with much oil such as fried chicken and French fries, is called "Zha". The key is much oil usage. The third sort, cooking without much oil and without turning over, is called "Jian". In this way, oil can not cover the material and material is heated on one side. You can say that the "Jian" is the middle level between "Chao" and "Zha". If you use too much oil which covers the material, it's "Zha". And if you move and turn the material over and over, it's "Chao".
For this dish, my mom "Chao" pork and corn with soy sauce. You must ask me why soy sauce again. That's a long story. In addition, it is also very important for the size and shape of sliced pork. However, I have no time to explain now. Any way, we have a lot of tomorrows :p
> 玉米炒肉絲
> Fried pork with corn
For this dish, my mom "Chao" pork and corn with soy sauce. You must ask me why soy sauce again. That's a long story. In addition, it is also very important for the size and shape of sliced pork. However, I have no time to explain now. Any way, we have a lot of tomorrows :p
> 玉米炒肉絲